Lifepac Bible 1109
In just a few short years, your student will be on his own. Is he ready to face the arguments for not believing in Christ from an unbelieving world? With the LIFEPAC Bible Doctrine Unit 9 Worktext from Alpha Omega Publications, your child will gain the confidence he needs to defend his faith when the world disputes the claims of Christ and the accuracy of the Bible. Through captivating examples, interesting illustrations, and King James Version scripture, this easy-to-understand homeschool curriculum provides apologetics to questions about the Bible's integrity, the Bible's doctrines, and the correct interpretation and application of the Bible's truths. Self-paced, engaging lessons in this ninth in a series of ten worktexts will build your child's knowledge concept upon concept with challenging, fun-filled activities that can be completed in as little as three to four weeks.
There's more! Unlike a conventional textbook, the LIFEPAC Bible Doctrine Unit 9 Worktext is slim, compact, and easy to manage. Its portability means your child can take it anywhere and have it as a ready reference when he's faced with tough questions from his peers. And here's another added feature. Periodic reviews, self tests, and one teacher-administered test are included in this Alpha Omega curriculum to reinforce and solidify his comprehension of biblical knowledge. We're sure you'll agree, the LIFEPAC 1Bible Doctrine Unit 9 Worktext is a must-have curriculum that will strengthen your child's faith. Add a copy to your shopping cart today!