Lifepac Consumer Math 3
Is your high school student ready to maintain finances on his own or for his future family? Does he know how to do tasks like balance a checkbook, figure taxes, and plan a budget? If not, now you can get him up to speed with the LIFEPAC Consumer Math Unit 3 Worktext from Alpha Omega Publications! Made for high school students who have completed Algebra I and Geometry, this practical, step-by-step, elective worktext offers an invaluable study of family finances that your student can use his entire life! This applicable worktext discusses topics like different income sources, tax types, budgets, and buying habits! This third in a series of ten math-based Alpha Omega curriculum worktexts comes with fun lesson illustrations, consumable lessons, and a wide variety of math exercises—including story problems and concept-building activities!
Want to know more? The LIFEPAC Consumer Math Unit 3 Worktext is also ultra-thin, and easy-to-use—unlike other bulky, unmotivating math textbooks! And it takes only three to four weeks to complete—encouraging your child to learn with self-paced lessons that allow him to work independently! Concerned your student will really grasp concepts? Don't be. This LIFEPAC worktext uses proven mastery learning techniques like consistent reviews, self tests, and one removable teacher-administered unit test to solidify and reinforce student comprehension. So, if your homeschool student is a little rusty on his finance skills, the affordable LIFEPAC Consumer Math Unit 3 Worktext is the perfect elective text for you! Why not add a copy to your cart today?