Lifepac Bible 1209
Do you desire your child to grow in wisdom? Would you like to increase his knowledge through a Bible-centered study? Alpha Omega Publications carries exactly what you need: the LIFEPAC Christian Faith & Living Unit 9 Worktext! In this consumable, easy-to-use lesson worktext, the life and character of David as well as the life and riches of Solomon are studied. Bible literature, Psalms, and Proverbs will also increase your student's understanding of wisdom. Throughout this study, your child's comprehension will grow through mastery learning techniques. This ninth in a series of ten Bible curriculum worktexts is also easy to use and gives structure to this important study topic!
That's not all! No longer will your homeschool child need to carry a huge textbook. The vibrant, print-based LIFEPAC Christian Faith & Living Unit 9 Worktext will appeal to your busy teen who can easily study from this compact text! In addition, your child will feel a great sense of accomplishment when he is able to finish the lessons in just three to four weeks. And since this Alpha Omega curriculum includes review, self tests, and one removable teacher-administered unit test, you'll easily be able to track your student's progress. So why not order this best-selling homeschool curriculum? Add the LIFEPAC Christian Faith & Living Unit 9 Worktext to your order today!