Lifepac Lang Arts 404
Can your fourth grader identify nouns, verbs, and adjectives in sentences? Does he know the correct end-of-sentence punctuations marks to use? How about the differences between verb tenses? After completing the LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts Unit 4 Worktext, he will! This colorful, print-based homeschool curriculum covers a large variety of English language skills in a student-friendly, step-by-step format your child will love! Grammar topics include parts of speech, word possession, written directions and invitations, subject-verb agreement, and verb tenses. This 4th grade language arts curriculum worktext, the fourth in a series of ten, comes with clear, confidence-building lessons, fun illustrations, and many diverse reading and writing exercises!
But wait—there's more! The LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts Unit 4 Worktext also helps develops other grammar skills like writing spelling words, practicing cursive and manuscript writing, and identifying the main thought of a paragraph. And if your child is often discouraged by large textbooks, listen to this. Made to be finished in three to four weeks, this ultra-thin homeschool curriculum will give your student a wonderful sense of achievement and progress! What's more, this all-in-one LIFEPAC worktext has self tests, consistent reviews, and one removable teacher-administered unit test—all included right within the text to ensure student comprehension! So if you want to teach your child parts of speech with solid, structured lessons, just get the LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts Unit 4 Worktext! Add a copy of this best-selling Alpha Omega curriculum to your cart today.