I Can Draw Animals
Turn your child's scribbles into beautiful art work with the I Can Draw Animals art resource book from Alpha Omega Publications. Watch your child's excitement as he follows the colorful, step-by-step instructions and creates drawings to share with family and homeschool friends. Starting with elementary line strokes, your child will add more and more detail until he finishes a hen, teddy bear, tiger, flamingo, reindeer, and more! Instead of drawing mere outlines or coloring in a coloring book, I Can Draw Animals teaches your child proper drawing techniques that can develop into a lifelong enjoyment of the visual arts. Each picture your child draws teaches him the important first steps of correct single dimensional drawing techniques which may lead to realistic 3-dimensional drawing as he matures in his abilities.But that's not all! The I Can Draw Animals book is softbound and conveniently sized for little hands. And each page is printed on heavy stock paper for long lasting durability for future upcoming artists in your homeschool family. So why are you waiting? Give your child the tool he needs to start a future career in art. Add a copy of the I Can Draw Animals art resource book to your shopping cart today.