Lifepac Bible 3rd Grade Box Set
Do you want your children to enjoy studying the Bible? With LIFEPAC Bible homeschool curriculum from Alpha Omega Publications, you can be sure they will! The LIFEPAC Bible program presents seven major Bible themes in a colorful worktext format for children in 1st-12th grade. Instruction is designed to foster a strong biblical worldview and includes teaching in theology, the attributes of God, biblical literature, biblical geography, Christian growth, and Christian evidences. In the LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Bible Set, your homeschooling child will engage in a study of these themes with teachings from the Old and New Testaments. Using the King James Version of the Bible, ten engaging worktexts provide lessons on Living for God, The Life of Jesus Christ, God's Plan for Joseph, Archeology and the Bible, God's Love and Protection of His People, and much more.
But we didn't stop there! At Alpha Omega Publications, we believe that instilling biblical values in your child's heart is one of the greatest responsibilities of parenthood! And to assist you with this critical duty, we have provided you with an easy-to-follow teacher's guide. This must-have Alpha Omega curriculum teaching resource contains instructional notes for each unit, a complete answer key, and information about supplemental materials and activities. The additional material included in the teacher's guide will help you create opportunities for individualization of the program according to your child's specific needs. Deuteronomy 10:12 states—And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul. Order the LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Bible Set and let us help you teach your child to love and serve the Lord!