Lifepac Bible 506
Is your fifth grader familiar with the evidence that shows the Bible is truly God's Word? Does he understand why it's important to be able to defend Christian beliefs? If not, Alpha Omega Publications is here to help. The LIFEPAC 5th Grade Bible Unit 6 Worktext (utilizing the KJV) will help your student prove why Christians believe God's Word. He will study evidence from the Bible, history, and science that the Bible is God-breathed. This print-based Alpha Omega curriculum also teaches evidence that Christ rose from the dead.
And there's more good news! Apologetics appropriate for your fifth grader are mixed with full-color graphics to maintain interest in each lesson of the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Bible Unit 6 Worktext. Step-by-step instructions and examples are packed into each lesson to prepare your child to defend his faith. Clear explanations, self tests, and a removable teacher-administered test are also included in this homeschool favorite to improve student comprehension. Plus this sixth in a series of ten worktexts will not overwhelm your child with its compact size. Teach your child the information he needs to know to defend the truths of God's Word. Add the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Bible Unit 6 Worktext to your shopping cart today.