Lifepac Geography Teacher Guide
Need a little help explaining geography to your homeschooler or just need some fun activity ideas to teach with the LIFEPAC Geography elective? If so, Alpha Omega Publications has just what you need: the LIFEPAC Select Geography Teacher's Guide! A wonderful time saver, this step-by-step, easy-to-read teacher's guide is packed with helpful material including a course overview and outline, a curriculum management section, teacher's notes, and alternate tests.
The perfect Christian homeschool resource, the LIFEPAC Select Geography Teacher's Guide also contains all the answers for the LIFEPAC Select Geography curriculum. Imagine the hours you'll save while grading your student's work! What's more, this handy, softcover guide also outlines each lesson's objectives, required materials, study pages, and additional activities. Order the LIFEPAC Select Geography Teacher's Guide for your homeschool now!
*The LIFEPAC Select Geography Teacher's Guide is included in the LIFEPAC Select Geography Set.