Lifepac History 108
Does your first grader know how America was discovered by Christopher Columbus? Does he know about the pilgrims, the country's beginnings, and how to respect his country? Teach him all these important history lessons and more with the LIFEPAC 1st Grade History & Geography Unit 8 Worktext from Alpha Omega Publications! This eighth in a series of ten first grade history and geography worktexts covers the discovery of America, the birth of our country, and how to show respect to the nation. Topics include learning about the pilgrims, the Mayflower, the first President, laws, the flag, songs, and holidays! Filled with step-by-step instructions, this consumable Alpha Omega curriculum also includes flexible, self-paced lessons, colorful pictures, and Bible-based material.
Wait, there's more! The LIFEPAC 1st Grade History & Geography Unit 8 Worktext also has simple, easy-to-understand lessons that include circle-the-answer questions, coloring pictures, dot-to-dot pictures, and basic word exercises. Want another plus? Unlike other huge, intimidating homeschool textbooks, this slim worktext will encourage your student to complete consumable lessons with its reduced size! And you're child is sure to love this motivating, self-paced worktext that he'll be able to complete in three to four weeks! But that's not all. To ensure student comprehension, this LIFEPAC worktext contains consistent reviews, self tests, and one removable teacher-administered unit test. So don't wait to teach your child the important foundations of American history—start instilling academic knowledge today. Order the LIFEPAC 1st Grade History & Geography Unit 8 Worktext for your child.