Lifepac Lang Arts 306
Would you like to use a homeschool curriculum that will help improve your child's spelling and punctuation? Are you looking for materials to assist you in teaching about homographs, parables, and sequencing within a story? Then order the LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Language Arts Unit 6 Worktext! This consumable Alpha Omega curriculum contains vibrant illustrations and quality lessons based on the language arts skills your third grader needs to learn. The child-friendly lessons will give him a sense of accomplishment as he completes the reduced-sized booklet in just three to four weeks.
And there's more! The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Language Arts Unit 6 Worktext is consumable and uses mastery learning techniques to solidify comprehension, reinforce concepts, and help your child retain knowledge. Self tests for each lesson allow you to check your child's progress, and to ensure student mastery, a teacher-administered unit test is also included. The sixth in a series of ten booklets, your child will love the easy-to-follow instructions that take him through simple writing projects and hands-on activities, such as circle-a-word, fill-in-the-blank, and matching. Get your copy of the LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Language Arts Unit 6 Worktext from Alpha Omega Publications today.