Lifepac Lang Arts 409
Does your fourth grader know all the different steps of a written report? Does he understand how to find information at the library and take relevant notes? Do you want to teach your student how, but not sure where to start? Don't worry. Alpha Omega Publications has the perfect answer for you—the LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts Unit 8 Worktext! Filled with clear, step-by-step directions, this colorful, print-based homeschool curriculum will help you teach your young student how to prepare for and write a written report. Guiding your student through each step, this language arts homeschool worktext covers choosing a topic, the planning process, finding information, taking notes, making an outline, and writing the report. The ninth in a series of ten, this 4th grade language arts curriculum worktext also includes additional reading comprehension exercises, spelling word practice, and handwriting activities!
The LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts Unit 9 Worktext also comes with features your student will love like fun-to-do word puzzles and games, vibrant illustrations, and flexible, student-directed lessons! And if your child is often overwhelmed by studying over-sized textbooks, listen to this. This Alpha Omega curriculum is designed to motivate your child to complete consumable lessons with its small, un-intimidating size! What's more, your young learner will feel a wonderful sense of achievement as he completes this homeschool worktext in three to four weeks! Best of all, this LIFEPAC worktext comes with self tests, consistent reviews, and one removable teacher-administered unit test to ensure your student is really learning concepts! Doesn't that sound like just what you need? So, why are you waiting? Teach your child how to compose a written report with the best-selling LIFEPAC 4th Grade Language Arts Unit 9 Worktext! All you have to do is add a copy to your cart today.