Lifepac Lang Arts 706
If your seventh grader's English mechanics skills need an overhaul, the LIFEPAC Language Arts 7th Grade Unit 6 Worktext can help. Whether it's providing instruction on correcting punctuation errors, using appropriate complements and modifiers, or understanding subordinate and coordinate clauses, this easy-to-follow homeschool curriculum can help you improve your student's grammar skills.
But wait, that's not all. The LIFEPAC 7th Grade Language Arts Unit 6 Worktext, the sixth in a series of ten worktexts, includes a variety of student-directed lessons. To encourage mastery of lesson content in the major language disciplines, this student-paced Alpha Omega curriculum includes text-based instruction, three to four spelling/vocabulary lessons, colorful illustrations, thoughtful comprehension questions, and self tests. A teacher-administered unit test provides opportunity for assessment of student progress. In addition, your student will feel a sense of accomplishment at the completion of each slim worktext—usually in just three to four weeks. Order the LIFEPAC 7th Grade Language Arts Unit 6 Worktext from Alpha Omega Publications today!