Lifepac Science 1st Grade Teacher Guide 1
Want to teach your first grader science—but not sure how? Alpha Omega Publications has the perfect solution—the LIFEPAC 1st Grade Science Teacher's Guide Part 1! This comprehensive, step-by-step teacher's guide has everything you need to successfully teach your child science concepts in Units 1-5 of the LIFEPAC 1st Grade Science program. This helpful resource is filled with clear explanations and easy-to-follow material—like a LIFEPAC curriculum overview, a weekly lesson planner, a curriculum management section, alternate tests and worksheets, and teacher notes with tips on how to teach first graders. What could be better? And this soft-cover guide has all the answers for lessons and tests in LIFEPAC 1st Grade Science Student Units 1-5 textbooks.
The LIFEPAC 1st Grade Science Teacher's Guide Part 1 has each lesson's objectives, needed materials, study pages, and additional activities outlined clearly for you! Plus, suggested experiments and readings are conveniently included in this Alpha Omega curriculum resource so you can easily enrich your child's learning with fun supplemental material. Sound like a life-saver? It really is! Teaching your first grader science has never been so much fun! So, don't wait. Order the LIFEPAC 1st Grade Science Teacher's Guide Part 1 to try it for yourself today!