Lifepac Science 502

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SKU: SCI0502

Fuel your student's curiosity about plant life cycles! It's easy with the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science Unit 2 Worktext. This colorful, consumable Alpha Omega curriculum introduces the classification system for plants, studies one-celled plants, and explains the life cycles of seed- and spore-producing plants. Tests are included.




Does your fifth grader know the intriguing features of plant life cycles? Is he aware of the amazing ways plants reproduce? You can explain all this and more about God's wondrous kingdom of plants with the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science Unit 2 Worktext by Alpha Omega Publications! This colorful, Bible-based science worktext clearly explains the life cycles of seed- and spore-producing plants in an entertaining yet step-by-step format. In this second in a series of ten fifth grade science curriculum worktexts, your homeschool student is also offered a comprehensive look at one-celled plants and the classification system for plants. But can you be sure your child will grasp these scientific concepts about plant life?

Don't worry! The easy-to-understand lessons in the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science Unit 2 Worktext will reinforce scientific concepts. Through investigation, your student will not only develop an appreciation for the intricacies of the world of plants, but an appreciation for God's creative work. Filled with appealing illustrations, this self-paced, student-directed Alpha Omega curriculum comes with captivating lessons and hands-on activities. Want to hear more good news? Within each lesson, your child checks his own understanding by answering review questions, conducting experiments, and taking self tests. You can follow your fifth grader's progress by examining the results of self tests and administering the removable teacher-guided test provided in the center of the worktext. Partner with your child to explore the kingdom of plants. Order your copy of the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science Unit 2 Worktext today!

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