Lifepac Science 506
Has your child ever studied the Biblical account of the Flood from a geological perspective? He can with the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science Unit 6 Worktext from Alpha Omega Publications! Does the science presented in the worktext remain true to the Biblical account? Does it honor the Creator? You can count on it! This sixth in a series of ten worktexts deals with geological events before, during, and after the Flood. And it's presented in an easy-to-understand, colorful format that will keep your student independently engaged. This consumable Alpha Omega curriculum begins with a brief, interest-building introduction to the geology of the Flood followed by a list of objectives and key vocabulary words. This worktext's lessons are interspersed with review questions and experiments too. Each section ends with a self test. A removable, teacher-guided test in the center is for use at the end of the course.
Sounds thorough, doesn't it? Yet, the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science Unit 6 Worktext makes learning science both fun and easy. Also, it's contained in an ultra-slim format that doesn't overwhelm your fifth grader—unlike other huge, bulky science textbooks. And it takes only three to four weeks to complete! Imagine how happy your child will be when you tell him that. And with a clear, structured format, this informative homeschool curriculum will help you explain geological concepts to your child. Teaching homeschool science with confidence is easy with the LIFEPAC 5th Grade Science Unit 6 Worktext. Get your copy today!