Lifepac Spanish 2 Book 10
Is your student ready to complete his high school Spanish studies? Does he need to learn about the subjunctive mood? Alpha Omega Publications has just the thing for your student—the LIFEPAC Spanish II Unit 10 Worktext. This final unit in a series of ten Spanish elective worktexts will teach your student about relative pronouns, the subjunctive mood, the practical use of subjunctive, and to top it off, your student will complete a research paper putting to work everything he's learned over the past year. The Spanish II elective is appropriate for students in grades 9-12.
But wait, there's more! Your homeschool child won't ever get bored or bogged down by his work. You see, the LIFEPAC Spanish II Unit 10 Worktext uses captivating lessons and proven mastery learning techniques to ensure your child understands what he's learning. Your high school student will complete a variety of interesting activities, exercises, reviews, and self tests to monitor progress. This Alpha Omega curriculum also includes one removable teacher-administered test. The worktext also provides the answer portions to the twenty-five minutes of listening tracks found on the Spanish II LIFEPACs 6-10 Audio CD (sold separately). Your student will follow clear instructions and listen to Spanish phrases and complete fill-in-the-blank, circle-the-answer, and complete-the-sentence exercises. Unlike a big, bulky textbook, this Alpha Omega curriculum can be completed in just three to four weeks! Give your student the perfect finale to his high school Spanish studies—get him the LIFEPAC Spanish II Unit 10 Worktext today!