Lifepac Consumer Math 7
Does your student understand the costs of owning and operating an automobile? How about the difference between time zones? After completing the LIFEPAC Consumer Math Unit 7 Worktext from Alpha Omega Publications, he'll know all of this and more! This print-based, informative, elective worktext, for students who have completed Algebra I and Geometry, contains a detailed look at transportation facts your student will use for a life-time! Helpful topics in this Alpha Omega curriculum include financing and operating an automobile, transportation and travel, currency-exchange rates, and travel-cost comparisons. Designed for high school students, this seventh in a series of ten math-based curriculum worktexts comes with step-by-step lessons, helpful time tables, and real-life application story problems!
But there's even more. The LIFEPAC Consumer Math Unit 7 Worktext comes with self-paced, confidence-building lessons that encourage your student to work independently! And this consumable worktext only takes about three to four weeks to complete—giving your child a wonderful sense of accomplishment! Does your student have trouble really remembering concepts? Good news. This LIFEPAC worktext comes with consistent reviews, self tests, and one removable teacher-administered unit test to reinforce your student's comprehension. What else could you need? Teach your high schooler the importance of travel and costs with the affordable LIFEPAC Consumer Math Unit 7 Worktext! Get your copy today.